On this page you will find loads of useful information about websites, copywriting, email marketing and all aspects of marketing communications. You can also use the tools on the left to search for other resource topics.
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Mobile a must do
According to Kochie's Business Builders Small Business website, if your business website isn't mobile-friendly you need to take action. Why? It's pretty simple, more and more people are using their mobile devices for the Internet. Small Business sites research by Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, which shows that mobile traffic now accounts for around 15% of all internet traffic. This is up by 50% in only a year!
Click here for the full postTwo reasons to edit business images
Have you ever placed an image on your website only to notice later that your site grinds to a halt as the image loads? Have you ever taken what would be a great photo, only to have it spoilt by something in the background?
Click here for the full postEmail content brings in the dough
There's a saying in professional golf that you drive for show and putt for dough and it's not much different in the world of email marketing. While email marketing campaigns can be well designed, look flashy and be fully functioned, stuff it full of bland dribble and you'll soon turn your potential customer away. That doesn't mean the design, presentation and functionality of your emails aren't important; it simply means that it's the content - and particularly the written content - that will bring in the dough.
Click here for the full postPowerful (search) engines
If you're like most people, whether you're looking for a new Thai restuarant, need a plumber to fix a leaking tap or are researching an overseas holiday, you'll use a search engine. Like the engine in our car, however, most people have little idea how a search engine works. Here are some interesting facts about search engines, some of which can be useful for us businesses trying to improve our own search engine rankings.
Click here for the full postCreating selling content
You can have the best looking business website that attracts hordes of visitors, but you're not guaranteed to make a single conversion. You can employ an appealing, regular e-marketing campaign with a large distribution list, but never sell a single item or service from your online efforts.
Click here for the full postImprove your Google rankings
What are the important things you can do as a small business owner to improve your rankings on Google?
Click here for the full postBack up!
In this hi-tech age, most of us know about the importance of backing up data. Whether it’s a contact list on the smartphone or documents on the computer, regularly backing up data – particularly data that is important to you – is a vital part of our personal and business lives.
Click here for the full postTime for a (website) change
How well is your website working for your business? When faced with this question many business owners will admit their website isn’t helping them with conversions. Worse still, others will tell you they wouldn’t have a clue!
Click here for the full postWhere to now for SEO?
The last two years have seen significant change in search engine optimisation and the way Google ranks websites. For some businesses - particularly those who have been pushing the boundaries of ethics - these changes have created a lot of headaches and heartache. For others, however, the changes have been beneficial.
Click here for the full postAustralian businesses getting online... slowly!
While more Australian businesses are getting online to promote and sell their services and products, there are still many that are stuck in the 20th century. The findings come from the latest survey of Australian business' online habits by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
Click here for the full post